On Tai Chi Chuan


Originally practised solely as a Martial Art, T'ai Chi Ch'uan (Taijiquan) embraces the Taoist principle of 'Tai Chi' - hence the use of the Tai Chi Double-Fish symbol as the emblem for this system of Martial Art. Emphasis is placed on the differentiation between Yin and Yang - the dual principles found throughout the universe.

Legend has it that the origins of T'ai Chi Ch'uan are to be found in a series of exercises developed by the Taoist monk Chang San-feng in the thirteenth century A.D. However, records can only be traced back reliably to the 1600's, when it was known only as the 'Chen Family style'.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan was first taught outside the Chen family during the nineteenth century, giving rise to the Yang and Wu styles. Since then, T'ai Chi Ch'uan has continued to evolve and develop. Cheng Man-ching [1900-1975] further refined the Yang style taught to him by his teacher, Yang Cheng-fu.

Today, Cheng Man-ching's T'ai Chi Ch'uan is practised world wide - it's peaceful, relaxed movements often being practised as a method of relaxation and stress-release.

In addition to the benefits gained through the relief of tension and stress, T'ai Chi Ch'uan benefits health through the stimulation of the body's energy, or Chi (Qi), regulating the flow of this energy so that the body can achieve a state of balance, or health.